Owen On The Issues

Fiscal Responsibility

Having a prosperous and sustainable community requires fiscal responsibility at the municipal and state levels. I believe that individual families are generally best positioned to prioritize their own spending, so our state government should strive to minimize taxpayer burden while maintaining the reliable and timely delivery of essential services. In the event of a budget surplus--as we recently experienced--I'm in favor of issuing taxpayer refunds rather than withholding the funds for unspecified future use. I also would encourage restraint in future spending, adequate oversight to avoid misappropriation of funds, and reinstitution of a statewide "rainy day" fund. 

Public Safety

Minnesota has always been a safe place to raise a family.  In recent years, an unfortunate combination of societal tumult, shutdown-related financial strain, and logistical challenges for our police departments have led to an increase in carjackings, home invasions, and other crimes that would have been unthinkable for prior generations.  We should strive for a community where everyone feels safe to walk alone at night, regardless of their gender, race, age, or ZIP code.

Therefore, I support the complete funding of law enforcement, effective crime prevention strategies, and a judicial system that holds offenders accountable. I also advocate for restorative justice programs for first-time, low-level offenders.  Robust support for law enforcement and the protection of our civil liberties are not mutually exclusive goals; and I would encourage community engagement in public safety oversight


We only have one earth. We must protect it. This is a visceral conviction of mine borne of many summers serving as a backpacking guide in the Sangre de Cristo mountains of New Mexico. I saw firsthand that our stewardship of the earth is a solemn obligation and privilege; it is a covenant between humans and nature that requires a prudent balancing of our natural resources with human coexistence. We move in the right direction when we pair human innovation with the free market to craft sustainable environmental solutions. By encouraging private-sector investment in clean-energy technologies, promoting conservation, and supporting responsible land and resource management, we can protect our natural heritage while ensuring economic vitality. It’s essential to empower local communities and property owners--who are often the best stewards of their environments--to take initiative in conservation efforts. We can achieve sustainable environmental protection without sacrificing economic prosperity.


I will advocate for an energy policy emphasizing energy independence, economic growth, and technological innovation. This approach supports a dual energy strategy, which includes the responsible development of traditional energy sources like oil and natural gas alongside the expansion of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal and low-cost, safe nuclear power. The energy sector can thrive by reducing regulatory burdens, promoting free-market principles, and lowering energy costs for consumers and businesses. Investments in energy infrastructure and technology are also crucial, ensuring that Minnesota remains at the forefront of energy innovation while creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. This balanced approach aims to ensure our affordable, reliable, and clean energy future.


A well-rounded education confers financial security and social mobility to younger generations and ensures that our community will continue to progress in a thoughtful and well-informed direction.  While a top-tier education system has traditionally been one of Minnesota's defining features, there is recent cause for concern.  For instance, test scores are declining statewide and only about half of our third graders are considered proficient readers.

Top among my priorities is getting literacy right.  Extending my literacy advocacy from my School Board service, I would like to support the seminal READ Act with complete funding and effective implementation strategies.  More broadly, I favor having increased local control over school curriculum and operations--via collaboration amongst parents, teachers, and school boards--while mitigating outside bureaucratic and political influence.  I firmly believe that parents should have the ultimate responsibility for determining the course of their children's education.  For some families, that means access to a highly functional and well-funded public school system.  For others, charter schools or home schooling may be preferable; we should respect the role of the parent in determining what best suits their family's needs.

What is important to you?